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FY23 NOFO - Three County CoC


Update from the Three County Continuum of Care (CoC):

Attention Providers, Regional Partners, and Stakeholders,

Please find in this enclosed link a guide to the FY2023 Three County CoC Request for Proposals! This year's RFP details the process timeline, the available funding for NEW and EXPANDED projects, as well as guidance for currently funded projects' Renewal Process.

We encourage all of our regional partner providers to review all of the included information, including HUD and the CoC's Funding Priorities, the local Ranking and Selection process and description of new eligible expenses.

The CoC team is available to answer questions, provide technical support or address any concerns that arise. We look forward to hearing from and collaborating with our community to continue to serve those experiencing homelessness in the region.


HUD published the FY23 NOFO on July 5th. All new and renewal project applications are due on August 29th, and the Collaborative Application is due on September 28th. The Three County CoC published their Request for Proposals on July 31st. This document, and the accompanying Appendixes, are available below. Additionally, the CoC will be hosting 2 Bidder's Conferences on August 4th from 11:00-12:00 and August 11th from 2:00-3:00. If interested in attending, please register here for August 4th & here for August 11th. ​ Three County Continuum of Care Request for Proposals*** Appendix A: Renewal Project Outcomes, Measures, & Scoring Tool Appendix B: New Project Scoring Tool Appendix C: Renewal Project Listing Appendix D: YHDP Project Listing Appendix E: HUD Categories of Homelessness - Definitions Appendix F: New Project Application Appendix G: Reallocation and Transition Plan Appendix H: Esnaps & Document Submissions Guide Appendix I: Ranking & Evaluation Committee Roles and Responsibilities


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