This September and October, the Hampden County and Three County CoCs are presenting a series of trainings on topics designed to support caseworkers in the field of homelessness and supportive housing.
Please join us on Zoom on Wednesdays, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, September 7 through October 12. Zoom link:; Meeting ID: 892 5376 8527, Passcode: 402729
September 7: SSI/SSDI: process today & upcoming changes—Caitlin Thomas, Social Security Disability Advocate
September 14: Employment Assistance Programs—Cynthia Ray, Mass Hire Hampshire/Franklin Career Center
September 21: Accessing Substance Use Treatment—Mark Jachym, Springfield Comprehensive Treatment Center, Gabriel Quaglia, Tapestry
September 28: TAFDC—awaiting confirmation
October 5: SNAP (Food Stamps)—Mary Loughlin, OTA SNAPS Outreach Coordinator (awaiting confirmation)
October 12: SSI/SSDI: best practices for working with Social Security, DDS and providers—Caitlin Thomas, Social Security Disability Advocate
Please spread the word across our Western MA provider community!
Thank you to Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness for sharing this information about such a valuable series of events!