An update from Erin Hutchinson at Deerfield Academy:
"Does your organization have upcoming events for the fall where Deerfield Academy students might be of service? Unlike this year, our students will be allowed off campus next year, so depending on your organization’s COVID-19 safety protocols, we are hopeful that our community engagement can be in person next year, rather than just virtual. Deerfield Academy welcomes a conversation to identify ways that our students might contribute to your organization, and hopefully get some projects and dates on our service calendar.
As this academic year comes to a close, we are already looking ahead to the 2021-2022 school year and making plans. Part of those plans include a fully vaccinated community, students and adults alike. As such, we are eager to rekindle our partnerships with community organizations, as involvement with those organizations is regularly identified as a significantly meaningful experience for our students."
Please explore this volunteer partnership opportunity by reaching out to Deerfield Academy's College Advisor & Assistant Director of the CSGC for Service, Erin Hutchinson, via email.