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Job Posting: Grants Administrator


City of Northampton is seeking a Grants Administrator.


Position is responsible for assisting in the administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, the Community Preservation Act (CPA) and other related grants awarded to the City.


Handles financial management of CDBG and other federal grants, including but not limited to ensuring expenditures are consistent with grant contracts and federal regulations.

Manages all HUD reporting in HUD system (IDIS), including but not limited to setting up activities and funding in IDIS, drafting budget, making financial revisions in IDIS as needed, and preparing quarterly reports, Annual Action Plans, Consolidated Plans, and year-end report.

Responsible for all financial reporting, monitoring, and projections for the Community Preservation Act.

Prepares bill warrants and processes payments to vendors.

Prepares yearly contracts and amendments as needed.

Manages reconciliation of all grant accounts and prepares draw down of HUD funds for reimbursement to the City. Monitors loan payments; reviews sub-recipient reports on quarterly basis to assess compliance with contract and federal regulations.

Works with grant recipients to advance projects. Provides revenue forecasting for Community Preservation Committee to ensure accuracy of mandated spending set-asides.

Assists with annual outside audit of City. Attends frequent webinars to stay updated on HUD and IDIS changes

Posts relevant documents to website; records minutes at meetings; processes discharges for recording; prepares statistical reports.

Assists with the financial management and reporting for other assigned grants.


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