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Local Informational Vaccine Videos from Cooley Dickinson

Cooley Dickinson Health Care has just released a great series of videos that address the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine hesitancy. These short 2 or 4 minute videos contain direct and accessible language about the vaccine, along with personal experiences from the participants.

These videos offer information about benefits of the vaccine from local people who care deeply about the health of our communities right here in western Mass. All the videos are linked below. You can access Cooley's COVID-19 information page here.

Dr. Khama Ennis on Why She Got the COVID-19 Vaccine:

"It will open up our worlds again!"

Unsure about the COVID vaccine? Medical Interpreter Services Manager Emma Aldana shares her story (Spanish with English subtitles).

Cooley Dickinson physician Dr. Estevan Garcia's

Reasons for Getting Immunized Against COVID-19.

Thank you to these local medical professionals for sharing their experiences and personal stories behind their decisions about the COVID vaccine.


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