Join COSA on Tuesday, March 12 for a zoom with special guest Anne Gobi, Director of Rural Affairs in Governor Healey's administration. Director Gobi will give an overview of the office, what has been worked on and what is coming next. She will also speak to the rural pieces within the Governor’s budget with a focus on the recently filed Municipal Empowerment Act and the alignment with COSA and Hampshire County. Don't miss this opportunity to ensure that the concerns of western Mass nonprofits and their clients are heard by the current administration.
In this new role created by the Healey-Driscoll Administration, Gobi serves as a dedicated advocate and ombudsman cultivating economic development within rural communities. She works to ensure that the needs of rural and regional economies are incorporated into the economic development plan being developed by the Executive Office of Economic Development and will be responsible for coordinating with secretariats and state agencies to ensure that state government is attuned to the unique needs of these towns.
Join COSA on Tuesday, March 12 at 10:00am-11:00am on Zoom.
Zoom info: Click HERE to join.
Meeting ID: 838 6975 0138
Passcode: 805746