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Apr 27: Check-In & Chat about Money


State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg to join the Hampshire-Franklin Commission on the Status of Women and Girls for virtual Check-In and Chat about money, Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 6:00-7:30 pm.

The Covid-19 pandemic’s detrimental effect on women in the workforce has been well documented. How are women in Hampshire and Franklin Counties coping and what tools are available to help them begin to thrive financially. State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg joins the following panelists for a lively and informative discussion about resources from the Treasury, tools for salary negotiations, women’s empowerment, credit reparations, family budget planning, and more.

· Shaitia Spruell: Program Manager for the Massachusetts State Treasurer & Receiver General’s Office of Economic Empowerment and Chair of the Legislative & Public Policy Committee, MA Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW)

· Andrea Chesnes: President and founder of the yoga Root studio

· Margaret Tantillo, Executive Director Dress for Success

· Jessica Atwood, Franklin County Regional Council of Governments Economic Development Program Manager

· Clare Higgins, Community Action Pioneer Valley Executive Director

· Denella Clark, MA Commission on the Status of Women and Children State Chair

“Women face unique challenges in attaining financial security,” said State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg. “My office’s economic empowerment programs provide access to information and tools that help women, at each stage of their lives, develop the skills they need to be successful in today’s economy. When we invest in women, we empower them to invest in themselves.”

Participants in this event will leave with a better understanding of the region’s financial landscape, realities of women in our area, issues that women are facing at their workplaces, and tools for financial autonomy.

To receive the Zoom link to this virtual Check-in & Chat event, send an email to

The Hampshire-Franklin Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, a regional state-established commission, is charged with reviewing the status of women and girls and working on eliminating inequities in state laws, practices, and conditions that affect Massachusetts women and girls. When asked about the role of the commission, Francia Wisnewski, a Commissioner from Franklin County, appointed in 2017, responded by stating “We are one of eleven regional commissions statewide organized by both county and geographical areas. As Commissioners, we are charged with being catalysts for positive change through advocacy, education, and collaboration.”

Regional Commissions’ duties include: studying, reviewing and reporting on the status of women in their county; promoting and facilitating collaboration among local women’s organizations; recommending policies that benefit women to agencies, officers of the state, and local government; and holding fact-finding hearings and other public forums.

Hampshire-Franklin Commissioners:

Bonnie MacCracken as Chair

Marcia Plant Jackson, Vice-Chair

Francia Wisnewski, Commissioner

Victoria Cliche, Clerk

Laura Sylvester, Treasurer

Commissioners serve for a term of three-years. The Commission is currently seeking new members. Anyone identifying as female is welcomed and can apply by forwarding their resumes to


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