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Aug 24: Helping Youth Launch


Helping Youth Launch: How After School can prepare youth for what’s next

August 24, 12:30-2:30 pm

Remote Workshop for After School and Out of School Leaders.

How are youth "getting stuck" as they launch into young adulthood? How can after school and out-of-school programs more intentionally support youth as they leave high school and move into what's next?

Designed for program leaders in the after school and out of school time (OST) community, this participatory workshop will provide evidence-based recommendations for how to support youth through the transition out of high school, and space for program leaders to explore how to integrate these practices into their own programs.

This workshop will:

  • Provide ample space for attendees to interact with peers and the presentation team in order to apply workshop learnings to their own organizations.

  • Explore the challenges youth experience as they transition into emerging adulthood through a discussion with two experts in the field: Dr. Elizabeth Morgan, Associate Professor of Psychology and chair of the Psychology Department at Springfield College and past president of the Society for the Study for Emerging Adulthood, and Sam Intrator, Professor of Education & Child Study at Smith College.

  • Share findings from 50 interviews with youth around the country about the barriers and obstacles they faced after leaving high school, and how out-of-school time programs helped support them through the transition to emerging adulthood.

  • Utilize a case study approach to bring to life how youth programs can adapt program methods to better prepare their participants’ for whatever comes next after high school.

The session will leverage what was learned from a three-year community project that teamed youth, young adults, Smith College faculty, and college students to research h

ow OST programs can better support youth through the transition into young adulthood. We encourage program leaders to bring their unique questions, program examples, and expertise to the group.

This workshop is hosted by the Smith College Jandon Center for Community Engagement in partnership with Project Coach and Project SPARC (Springfield Participatory Action Research Crew), an intergenerational team of young adults and invested members of the Smith College and New North Citizens’ Council communities.

The material presented in this work is based upon work funded by the Office of Research and Evaluation at AmeriCorps under Grant No. 18REHMA002 through the Community Conversations research cooperative agreement competition. Opinions or points of view expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of, or a position that is endorsed by, AmeriCorps.


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