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Jan Info Sessions: New Affordable Homes



Contact: Megan McDonough, Executive Director

Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity

Office 413-517-8326,,

Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity

Building Three Affordable Homes in Northampton

Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity is pleased to announce that applications are available for three affordable, three-bedroom, single-family homes to be built in Northampton, MA. The application deadline is Wednesday March 8th, 2023. Eligible applicants will have incomes up to 60% of area median income (adjusted for family size).

People interested in submitting an application, are invited to attend one of the following Zoom information sessions to learn more:

Saturday January 28, 2023 10am

Monday February 13, 2023 6pm

Wednesday March 1, 2023 6pm

During the information session, potential applicants will learn about Habitat’s selection criteria and how to prepare a complete application. The selection criteria include housing need, ability to make mortgage payments of $700-$1,200/month, and willingness to partner with Habitat, such as participating in the construction of the home and other Habitat projects. More information can be found at

All homes will be all-electric and built to ENERGY STAR standards and are designed to be visitable by someone in a wheelchair. Two homes will be two-story and one will be one-story; the one-story home will be adaptable for someone with mobility impairments. All Habitat built homes are restricted to income eligible buyers in perpetuity.

Since 1989, Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity has built decent, affordable homes with 50 families with low incomes in Hampshire and Franklin Counties. We build our homes with volunteer labor and donations of material, supplies, land, and services. At the onset of homebuilding, a family is selected and enters into a long term partnership with Pioneer Valley Habitat. Future homeowners contribute 250 hours of labor during the construction of their home alongside volunteers from the community. Upon completion, the home is sold to the family with an affordable mortgage. Habitat is a hand-up, not a hand-out: the organization has a perpetual legacy in that all mortgage funds received are reinvested to build more homes. We are a housing organization helping to bring stability to families, bringing more stability into our neighborhoods and communities.


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