New Nonprofit Opportunities with the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce:
Come netWORK With Us!
Join us for our netWORK series, where we partner with a local non-profit and invite our Greater Northampton Chamber community to participate in a volunteer project to benefit that organization. For our first project, we teamed up with Manna Community Kitchen to prep, cook, and package 100 healthy meals for those in need. Now we're ready to step up for our next partner — and we'd love to have you be a part of it!
For our September netWORK event, we'll work with ServiceNet's Prospect Meadow Farm. The farm is the first therapeutic farming community in the Pioneer Valley – providing meaningful agricultural employment for people with developmental disability, autism, or mental health challenges. Volunteer work for the day will be broken up into two shifts between 10am and 3pm, and tasks will include Field Work (weeding/harvesting), Mushroom Work, and Animal Work. Click here to learn more and register today!
Of course, it wouldn't be netWORK without the chance to do some networking with your fellow volunteers! We'll be sure to break for lunch and conversation, with catering provided by ServiceNet’s Rooster Café. We hope you'll join us for this meaningful and rewarding day of netWORK!