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People's Town Hall Event on June 10

An update from Senator Jo Comerford:

Join me for a People’s Town Hall — an in-person gathering in the Cohn Family Dining Commons, on the first floor of the Main Building at Greenfield Community College, beginning at 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on June 10.

My team and I will offer timely updates. We’ll also look forward to what’s ahead. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions, share ideas, and offer feedback.

June 10, 5:30 p.m.: People’s Town Hall

Greenfield Community College

1 College Drive 

Greenfield, Massachusetts 

Simultaneous American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish interpretation will be available, as well as large print slides. The gathering is physically accessible and free to all. We’ll provide beverages and healthy-ish snacks. 

Registration is encouraged. Sign up via this registration form.

The Town Hall will be recorded and shared online for those who are unable to attend in person.  If you have any questions about the Town Hall or accessibility concerns, please contact Director of Communications and Engagement Katelyn Billings at


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