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Ten to Ten Helpline Flyer


Ten to Ten, a free, confidential helpline for people who abuse or may abuse their intimate partner, launched in April 2021. The Helpline is the first of its kind in the United States, although similar programs exist in Australia and the United Kingdom.

The Helpline will serve Western Massachusetts and will operate from 10am to 10pm, 365 days a year. The toll-free number is 877-898-3411.

Family, friends and professionals worried that someone may harm their partner can also call the Helpline.

The Project is part of a broad national movement that seeks to increase non-criminal responses to intimate partner violence through the creation of community-based restorative practice.

The Helpline is a collaboration between the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Behavioral Health Network and Growing a New Heart. An Advisory Board of regional partners as well as two rural domestic violence task forces from the Ware River Valley and the Southern Hilltowns will oversee and guide the project.

Check out this helpful flyer.


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