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Way Finders Releases Strategic Plan


An update from President & CEO Keith Fairey on their mission and priorities from their new strategic plan:

Since 1972, Way Finders has proudly served western Massachusetts by providing housing support to families and individuals. Our work has been especially urgent since early 2020, as the pandemic revealed just how closely a household’s well-being is linked to stable, affordable housing.

In May 2021, we embarked upon a strategic planning process to articulate a fresh vision of our priorities. Guided by insight from staff and those we serve and partner with, we considered the full impact we want to have—on the region’s people, communities, and systems—and mapped out how to get there. We’re excited by the results:

Our mission? To build and advocate for a thriving, equitable region by improving the stability and economic mobility of families and individuals, together with developing and managing a wide range of housing to support strong communities. We want people to be able to live where they choose, without barriers. We want every community to offer a healthy mix of affordable housing options. And we want to make a demonstrable impact on the structures and systems that shape our lives.

Among our Plan’s key focal points:

  • The recognition that housing stability and economic mobility (read: wealth-building) must be pursued in tandem to help strengthen households.

  • The need for development that propels the building of strong neighborhoods—as our region’s affordable housing ecosystem is gravely underdeveloped.

  • The forging of meaningful partnerships with residents and stakeholders—as successful community development is led by the community.

  • Advocacy for greater systemic change—with an eye toward resource allocation, zoning, access to capital, and more.

And, as we go after these goals, we will center our values of equity, collaboration, communication, and compassion.

The work we aspire to do is not easy by any measure. But it’s vital to the health and success of our region’s people and places. Thank you for supporting us!


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