Important update from the National Council of Nonprofits:
New data from the Federal Reserve provide further evidence that the public served by nonprofits continues to be at risk. In the face of the ongoing public health and economic crises, too many nonprofits are still struggling to meet increased demands for services, confronting a combination of decreased revenue and expenses that are higher than pre-pandemic. With Giving Tuesday kicking off the giving season tomorrow, donors need to know it’s important to increase contributions to charitable nonprofits this year – not to ease off.
The National COVID-19 Community Impact Survey administered by the Federal Reserve System, in partnership with the networks of the National Council of Nonprofits and seven other national nonprofit organizations, was designed to track the significant impact the pandemic has had on low- to moderate-income communities and the entities serving them. It was created to amplify the collective voices of people working on the frontlines in distressed communities. The results are alarming. Continue reading "The Data Show What We Know: The Nonprofit Helpers Need Help."
SPECIAL INVITATION: Join the Federal Reserve researcher who conducted the survey, Nishesh Chalise, Director of Community-Based Policy and Analysis, as well as speakers from the National Council of Nonprofits and other organizations for a discussion of the survey findings on Thursday, December 2, at 3:00 pm Eastern.