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Poverty Commission Public Hearing: May 14

A message from the Co-Chairs of the Poverty Commission:

Dear Colleagues,  


As Co-Chair of the Poverty Commission I want to let you know that we will be holding our first public hearing in Springfield on Tuesday, May 14th. The Commission is tasked with studying ways to promote opportunity, address inequality and make recommendations that would significantly reduce poverty in the Commonwealth over the next 10 years. Findings and recommendations are due to the Legislature by December 31, 2024.   


We will be holding 3 public hearings in geographically diverse areas of the Commonwealth. The first public hearing will be hosted at Springfield Technical Community College on Tuesday, May 14th from 3-6pm. We hope you will consider attending and ask that you please share this invitation with your networks, particularly organizations surrounding anti-poverty work. We look forward to hearing from speakers and organizations from the Springfield and Western/Central Massachusetts region to discuss their work and experience addressing poverty in the Commonwealth. 


Please note that there will be a virtual and an in-person option for individuals and panels who are interested in testifying. They can sign up to testify at this link: 


We thank you in advance for your help on this and hope to see you there. Please reach out to my office if you have any questions. 


Thank you,   

Senator Sal DiDomenico and Representative Marjorie Decker 


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