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Share Your Program with Guiding STARS Participants

The Northampton Recovery Center is pleased to announce our new family support program, Guiding STARS (Support to Addiction Recovery Services) in which we offer recovery support and related services to the families and friends of people coping & struggling with substance use disorders and addiction. Guiding STARS is a person-centered, strength-based and self-directed journey of resilience and recovery.

Our mission is to help family members, significant others, friends and the community at large in supporting individuals coping with addiction, using the NRC’s peer-based approach. We provide peer support and recovery coaching, as well as educating participants about resources available from community agencies and organizations that support and promote healthy families and recovery.

We are asking for your agency to participate by presenting content around specific topics relevant to Guiding STARS participants. This would be about a 10-15 minute presentation focused on a topic of interest as well as describing the resources your agency offers. We would ask you to present this once or twice a year at our family support meetings, and in this way we hope you will connect with our program participants, engaging them as appropriate with your services.

Thank you for considering being a part of this process. With community input, we believe we will be better equipped to help families navigate their own journeys. Please reach out if you have questions and let us know your level of interest so we can take the discussion to the next level. Email Trevor Dayton at . Visit the website for more information at


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