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United Way releases Partnership RFP

An update from United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region:

Please find attached an RFP with two partnership opportunities focused on supporting children, youth, and their families in the Franklin and Hampshire region. I am very happy to let you know that we are returning to a multi-year funding model, and these opportunities are for three years of partnership! We are also, based on survey and community engagement feedback, pushing for more aligned impact with our partnerships.

One opportunity focuses on supporting youth wellness and mental health, while the other focuses on supporting children, youth, and their families more generally.

This RFP describes two funding (partnership) opportunities available to distinct programs of nonprofit agencies providing substantive services within our coverage area, focusing on Children, Youth and their Families, and following eligibility guidelines. 

  • Program staff or a direct supervisor from the applicant program must attend a mandatory, in-person, informational session to be eligible to apply. Grant writers and/or consultants, while welcome to attend, do NOT count towards this requirement (please RSVP to

  • Thursday, January 18, 2024, 10:00-11:00 am @ Hadley Public Library

  • Friday, January 19, 2024, 2:00-3:00 pm @ Olver Transit Center, Allen Room, Greenfield

  • This funding may be used for general operating support within the distinct program outlined in the application. Our funding is impact-based, and we do not seek to micromanage its use. Non-allowable uses of funds are outlined in the RFP.  

  • We typically will not fund above 30% of a program’s budget.

  • Receiving funding from United Way does not imply continued support outside of the funding period.

There are two partnership opportunities available. Applicants may apply for both.  

The RFP can also be found on our website:

Please note: Partner programs funded through our economic security and health & safety priority areas will be able to reapply for a single year of funding later this winter. That opportunity is not described in this RFP. We anticipate offering multi-year funding opportunities related to these priority areas in subsequent years. Please be patient with us. We look to prioritize one area of concern each year.


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